Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Restoration of the Kilombero Elephant Corridor launched


The USAID funded a two year project to three partners namely, Reforest Africa (RA), Environment and Forest Limited (EFC) and Associazione Mazingira (AM) for ‘ensuring effective long-term ecological restoration of the Kilombero Elephant Corridor (KEC) and the wider landscape on which it depends. The corridor is one of the Priority corridors under the USAID Tuhifadhi Maliasili activity.  The project  is focusing on to improve the biodiversity value of the Kilombero Elephant Corridor (KEC), by restoring degraded land, effectively managing the connected Magombera Nature Reserve, community engagement, and improving governance and capacity for scaling restoration activities in the Udzungwa- Magombero-Nyerere/Selous landscape.

High Conservation Values at KVTC landholding are confirmed

In January 2023, identification of HCVA’s was carried out by a team of experts from Environmental Forest Certification Limited (EFC). The study involved participatory mapping and field assessment of the High Conservation Value areas and geo referencing them through GIS system. The identification engaged a whole range of stakeholders from local communities to high level experts and intensive review of Best Available Information. Read more at: High Conservation Areas Study At KVTC. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Stakeholders in Botswana aims for FSC


Stakeholders in Botswana are under revision of the Interim National Standard (INS) based on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification system. Two workshops were held in Gaborone and Mauni to review the INS that would apply to certify forest biomass in the country. A sixty days' public consultation has been opened for the INS. Should you wish to participate please click here: https://africa.fsc.org/en-cd/sub-regions/southern-africa 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Proving the Heights of Management of Community Forests in Kilwa landscape


EFC experts under the support of MCDI, working with communities in Kikole village government and the village natural resources committee of the village, assessed the performance of their village land forest reserve (VLFR), with several parameters and elements that proved to have been improved over the last five years. The communities, through their committee has been pulling resources and planning for management of their VLFR by protecting it from various threats including wildfires and grazing. The return of rare and endangered wildlife like Wild dogs and elephants, which disappeared for quite some time have been a major indicator for the forest healthy. A standardized assessment tool (i.e. METT tool) indicated a much higher percentage management score at baseline in 2022 for many of VLFRs in the Kilwa landscape. Thanks to MCDI and P4F for the support.